Sorted Home Organisers


Moving into a new home is an exciting but sometimes overwhelming experience, but it’s your chance to start afresh.

While it’s great to have a fresh start, thinking about moving your home in its entirety can be overwhelming. We’ve asked professional home organisers, Ali and Jo from Sorted Home, to share their top tips on how to best transition from your old house to your new home.


  1. Start Early

To ease the stress of moving we always suggest preparing for the big day in phases. Start to think about your move a few weeks before the big day and begin the process of decluttering sooner rather than later. Once you have decided what is going to make the move to your new home you can begin the packing process, moving methodically from room to room.


  1. Declutter Declutter Declutter

Whether you’ve lived in your current home for 6 years or 6 months, you will have accumulated clutter. Be thorough. Move round every area of your home and leave no drawer untouched. There is no point moving items from one house to another if they no longer serve a purpose in your life. Ask yourself these simple questions: Do I use it? Do I need it? Do I love it? If the answer is no, then it’s time to find it a new home. Pass to a charity shop or a friend, someone will love your unwanted items.


  1. Pack Room by Room

Taking your time to pack one room at a time will make the whole process more efficient and make unpacking at the other end far easier. Make sure each box only contains items from one room. Don’t be tempted to add in additional items from another area of your home just because there may be some extra space in a box.


  1. Label Everything

During a house move labels are your best friend. Make sure every box is labelled stating which room it is to go to. You don’t want to be searching for your kettle to make that all important cup of coffee in your new home.


  1. Invest in Storage

Storage is key when it comes to making the most of your home. Think about shelving, baskets and containers which will organise your belongings but also make them easy to access. Utilise vertical space in cupboards and wardrobes and be sure to label containers to make it easy to find what you need. Movable storage is really useful in rental properties as it can move with you, if or when you move again.


  1. Create Designated Spaces

This will help to keep your home organised and functional. For example, have a designated space for your house keys and your shoes near your front door. Have a space for jackets and school bags so that they don’t end up cluttering your home. Having designated spaces will help to keep you organised and keep your home running smoothly. Damage free hooks are particularly useful in rented properties. They will improve your use of space and organisation but are easily removed when your contract is up.


  1. Visualise Living in Your New Home

Move round each room in your house, think about what is going to live in each room and how you are going to store it. Do you need to source a piece of furniture for your lounge to store board games or a sideboard for your dining room for crockery. If you make sure everything has a home, it will keep your surfaces tidy and your mind clear.


  1. Enjoy the Process

Organising your new home can be a rewarding process and it’s you who will reap the benefits. Take time to stop and enjoy the moment, and maybe even a glass of fizz.


By following these hints and tips you can transition into your new home and create a haven that is not only beautiful but also functional.

When you are renting your home, you should take time to make it work for you. It will be your home, your safe place, your haven. Moving into a new home gives you the opportunity for a fresh start and the chance to create a calm, organised space from day one.

Sorted Home offer packages to help move you from your old house to your new home, decluttering and packing up in preparation for the move and then unpacking and organising your new home utilising all spaces to their full potential. Find out how Ali & Jo can help you make the most of your Tay Letting property.